Wandering Cherry Blossoms in Kyoto1【Chionin temple・Maruyama park・Gion-shirakawa】

円山公園 Japan

Wandering cherry blossoms in Kyoto on March 25th, 2020.

I will introduce Chionin temple, national treasures, Maruyama park, famous for its weeping cherry tree called “Gion-shidare” and Kodaiji temple, famous for its zen garden and weeping cherry tree, and Gion-shirakawa, famous for its old Japanese streets.




Chionin temple

  • Time:15min〜
  • Cost:Free
  • Recommendation:80%
  • Comment:There are two national treasures on this course.

No.1 on the map is Chionin temple, head temple of a famous branch of Buddhism called Jodoshu.

Sanmon gate and Mikagedo hall are national treasures.

This is Sanmon gate, a national treasure.

The cherry blossoms were just starting to bloom.

Chionin temple

This is Mikagedo hall, a national treasure.

Chionin temple

Mikagedo hall with cherry blossoms.

The cherry blossoms were just starting to bloom here as well.

Chionin temple

I walked around and finished in about 15min.


Maruyama Park

  • Time:5min〜
  • Cost:Free
  • Recommendation:90%
  • Comment:Cherry blossoms viewing point

After Chionin temple, I went to Maruyama park, No.2 on the map.

Maruyama park is the oldest park in Kyoto, opened in 1886 and famous for its cherry blossoms, especially for a weeping cherry tree called “Gion-shidare”.

“Gion-shidare” was at its best that day.

Maruyama park
Maruyama park
Maruyama park

“Gion-shidare” at night on the same day.

NHK, Japanese national TV, was shooting next to me.

Maruyama park

I took some photos and finished in about 5min.


Kodaiji temple

  • Time:30min〜
  • Cost:600 yen for adult
  • Recommendation:70%
  • Comment:Backlight in evening time

After Maruyama park, I went to Kodaiji temple, No.3 on the map.

Koudaiji temple is famous for its zen garden and weeping cherry tree.

I went there at around 3pm, but the weeping cherry tree was backlighted at that time.

The temple opens at night in spring and autumn season, it’s better to go in the night than in the afternoon.

Kodaiji temple

Weeing cherry blossoms under backlight.

Kodaiji temple
Kodaiji temple

Finished in about 30min.



  • Time:15min〜
  • Cost:Free
  • Recommendation:90%
  • Comment:Night time is better than day time

After Koudaiji temple, I waited for sunset and went to Gion-shirakawa, No.4 on the map.

Gion-shirakawa is famous for its old Japanese streets.

The cherry blossoms are illuminated in the season, so night time is better than day time.

The cherry blossoms were just a bit before full blossom.


Kiyamachi street, No.5 on the map.

There are many restaurants around here and there are many cherry trees along the river.

Kiyamachi street

I walked around and finished in about 15min.



I went around with my bicycle this day, but it’s not so far from stations and not too long a distance to walk.

So you can go around on foot.

It’s very convenient around here, the access is good and there are many shops.

This is a map marked with my recommendation spots in Kyoto.

If you click the mark, there is the link of blog article.

