Wandering Cherry Blossoms in Kyoto 4【Myomanji temple・Kamigamo shrine・Myokenji temple】

加茂川 Japan

Wandering cherry blossoms in Kyoto on March 31th, 2020.

I visited many cherry blossoms viewing points in the center of Kyoto with my bicycle.

I will introduce Myomanji temple, Kamigamo shrine, a world heritage, Cherry blossoms tunnel near the Kamigawa river, Honpoji temple, Myokenji temple, Goryo shrine, Chionin temple, Gion-shirakawa, Pontocho.

It was the best time for Someiyoshino trees, a major kind of cherry blossoms in Japan.




Myomanji temple

  • Time:10min〜
  • Cost:Free
  • Recommendation:60%
  • Comment:Slightly higher than the center of Kyoto.

No.1 on the map is Myomanji temple.

It is the main temple of a branch of Buddhism.

It’s a bit far and I had to cycle up hills from the center of Kyoto.

The cherry blossoms were late compared to the trees in the center of Kyoto.

Myomanji temple
Myomanji temple

I took photos for about 10min.


Kamigamo shrine

  • Time:30min〜
  • Cost:Free
  • Recommendation:80%
  • Comment:A world heritage and a national treasure

After Myomanji temple, I went to Kamigamo shrine at No.2 on the map.

It’s one of the oldest shrines in Kyoto.

There are famous cherry trees at No.3 on the map, “Saio-zakura” and “Gosho-zakura”.

“Saio-zakura” means the cherry blossoms for the unmarried women in the emperor’s family.

The pink cherry blossoms on the front side on the photo is “Saio-zakura”.

Kamigamo shrine

“Gosho-zakura” means the cherry blossoms of the imperial palace.

This cherry tree was transferred from Kyoto imperial palace.

Kamigamo shrine

There are many places to see in Kamigamo shrine, but I wanted to see many cherry blossoms this day.

Kamigamo shrine

I greeted the god and visited Kamigamo shrine for another 20 min to see more cherry blossoms.

If you want to see all of Kamigamo shrine, it will probably take 1 hour.


Cherry blossoms tunnel by Kamigawa river

  • Time:15min〜
  • Cost:Free
  • Recommendation:90%
  • Comment:A tunnel of cherry blossoms

After Kamigamo shrine, I went to the tunnel of cherry blossoms at No.4 on the map.

There are many cherry trees along the street, you can go through the tunnel of cherry blossoms in the season.

Cherry blossoms tunnel
Cherry blossoms tunnel
Cherry blossoms tunnel

I took the movie on April 7th, the falling petals were beautiful too.

I took photos for about 15min.


Honpoji temple

  • Time:10min〜
  • Cost:Free
  • Recommendation:60%
  • Comment:Bigs buildings, a famous branch of Buddhism.

After I left the cherry blossoms tunnel, I went to Honpoji temple at No.5 on the map.

It was one of the main temple of a famous branch of Buddhism called Nichirenshu, founded in 1436.

I went there 4 days before and it was a bit early for the cherry blossoms. But that day they were at their best.

Honpoji temple
Honpoji temple
Honpoji temple

I took photos for about 10min.


Myokenji temple

  • Time:10min〜
  • Cost:Free
  • Recommendation:70%
  • Comment:Autumn leaves viewing point

After Honpoji temple, I went to Myokenji temple at No.6 on the map.

It’s famous for its beautiful autumn leaves, but cherry blossoms were beautiful as well.

Myokenji temple
Myokenji temple
Myokenji temple

I took photos for about 10min.


Goryo shrine

  • Time:10min〜
  • Cost:Free
  • Recommendation:80%
  • Comment:Birth place of a big civil war “Ounin-no-ran”

After Myokenji temple, I went to Goryo shrine at No.8 on the map.

It was in front of the Myokakuji temple at No.7 on the map, on the may to Myokakuji temple.

I couldn’t go inside the temple, but the cherry blossoms were at their best.

Myokakuji temple

Goryo shrine is the birth place of a big civil war “Ounin-no-ran” in 1467.

The civil war lasted 11 years and many buildings were destroyed.

But the shrine is called ‘the shrine to calm down’, it was a very peaceful shrine.

Goryo shrine
Goryo shrine

I took photos for about 10min.


Honmanji temple

  • Time:10min〜
  • Cost:Free
  • Recommendation:70%
  • Comment:Sister cherry tree of “Gion-shidare”

After Goryo shrine, I went to Honmanji temple at No.9 on the map.

There is a big weeping cherry tree, sister cherry tree of famous weeping cherry tree “Gion-shidare” in Maruyama park.

But the cherry blossoms had started to fall.

Honmanji temple
Honmanji temple

“Someiyoshino” were at their best.

Honmanji temple

I took photos for about 10min.


Chionin temple

  • Time:15min〜
  • Cost:Free
  • Recommendation:80%
  • Comment:There are two national treasures on this course.

After Honmanji temple, I went to Chionin temple at No.10 on the map.

It is the head temple of a famous branch of Buddhism called Jodoshu. Both Sanmon gate and Mikagedo hall are national treasures.

The cherry blossoms were just starting to bloom on Mar 25th, five days before, but they were at their best this time.

This is Sanmon gate, a national treasure.

Chionin temple
Chionin temple

Mikagedo hall, a national treasure, with cherry blossoms.

Chionin temple

I took photos for about 15min.



  • Time:15min〜
  • Cost:Free
  • Recommendation:90%
  • Comment:Night time is better than day time

After Chionin temple, I waited for sunset and went to Gion-shirakawa, No.11 on the map.

Gion-shirakawa is famous for its old Japanese streets.

The cherry blossoms were just starting to bloom on Mar 25th, five days before, but they were at their best this time.


I took photos for about 15min.



I took about 5 hours from No.1 to No.10 on the map with my bicycle.

There are not so many train stations around here, so it’s better to take the bicycle to see many cherry blossoms efficiently.

There are many rental bicycle shops in Kyoto.

This is a map marked with my recommendation spots in Kyoto.

If you click the mark, there is the link of blog article.

